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Answers to Your Journey: Common Queries and Clarifications about Our Holistic Rehabilitative Recovery and Wellness Retreat.


  • What is the minimum duration of the residency?

    Because we are a Bespoke / Tailored program, it depends on your situation and needs. Our experience and recommendation are to have a minimum of 3 weeks, but we can change and adapt to your specific situation and the progress and experience you make. You also can do stages at different times if we agree that can benefit you.

  • Are there any medical or health-related requirements?

    If you have any medical conditions or are currently using medication, an assessment by one of our medical consultants is required. Our consultancy team consists among others of a psychiatrist and medical general doctor, who are willing to see you as part of the residency. If you have any questions on your physical health in regard of your residency, please contact us freely.

  • Are there any contra-indications for recidency?

    We cannot accept substance dependency for residency, as we are not a detoxification centre, But we can provide outsourcing Detox in Portugal or many other countries. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your specific condition/ situation regarding your residency.

  • Do I need any previous experience regarding mindfulness, outdoor sports/adventures, lifecoaching or therapy?

    We do not expect you to have any experience regarding the therapies, activities or workshops we offer at Time to be you®.

Staying at Time To Be You

  • What are the costs of per day residency?

    Our costs start at 8400/week or 1200€/Day. Please contact Jorge for more information.

  • What is included in the price?

    Accommodation, all meals, workshops, daily individual sessions, activities, outdoor adventures and usage of equipment are included.

  • Is there any compensation of the residency by the the health insurance?

    There is no compensation from the health insurance for your residency at Time To Be You®.

  • What do I need to bring to Time to be you?

    See below a general packing list:

    • Casual clothes suitable for in- and outdoor activities, gardening and excercising. April to September: light summer clothing, including some layers and a rainjacket for lower evening temepratues and showers. October to March: warm, waterproof clothes including different layers for any snow and minus temperatures on our adventures.
    • Clothes for possible camping: please bring several layers to layer up in the evening/night, including warm socks.
    • Rain jacket and waterproof shoes.
    • Shoes suitable for outdoor activities, hikes sports and gardening.
    • Clothing that can get dirty from working in the garden.
    • Swimsuit and flipflops for outdoor activities.
    • Large beach towel for surfing or swimming.
    • Personal medications you might require.
    • Toiletries (shower gel, shampoo and soap can be provided).
    • Earplugs
    • Daybag
    • Sunglasses
    • All required travel documents (passport, health insurance card, creditcard/bank card).
    • Cash money to pay for own expences in local shops.
  • Are there any behavioural guidelines?

    An agreement regarding behavioural guidelines will be presented once you contact us for detailed explanations.

  • How many other residents will be staying at Time To Be You®?

    We work with ONE CLIENT AT THE TIME at Time to Be You.® please contact Jorge Venceslau for further questions.

  • Are family and/or friends allowed to visit?

    Yes, you can have visitors, and when appropriate family members can stay at the farm too, and you need to discuss that with Jorge Venceslau. Most visitors are always welcome for related therapy or coaching family sessions.

  • Can I use devices, such as a laptop or tablet?

    We encourage residents to take notes and journal during their stay at Time to be you®. You are encouraged to bring your device on your laptop or tablet if you desire to do so. But as a Tailored program, we can always discuss your specific situation.

  • What is the drug and alcohol policy at Time to be You?

    We do not allow any substance(s) (use) on or out of the property when you are at the program of Time to Be You®. Please see our behavioural guidelines and agreement before entering a residency.

  • Can I smoke during my stay?

    Smoking cigarettes (tobacco) is allowed at Time to be You, at specific area(balcony of your room.) But also we can help you to quit smoking if that is one of your goals!


  • What is the accommodation like at the Ecological Farm?

    The ecological farm offers simple and comfortable accommodation in a secluded, peaceful environment surrounded by nature overlooking a valley with vineyards and forests. There is your ensuite bedroom, with also your private area room. The rooms have spacious wardrobes and a terrace with a sitting area. Sheets, pillowcases, duvets and towels are provided. The Hot showers, soap, shower gel and shampoo are supplied if need it. The farm is designed explicitly on ecological and sustainable principles, so the inside temperature remains cool without air conditioning.

    A large open common area has a spacious kitchen, dining table, fireplace, and lounge. A separate space is dedicated explicitly to workshops and physical exercise with some gym equipment.

    Outside is a big terrace overlooking the valley, a fireplace and several spaces to withdraw and enjoy some quiet time. In addition, we have a large vegetable garden and greenhouse, providing us with beautiful fresh produce.

  • What facilities are available on the Ecological Farm?
    • In-suite and private room, including spacious wardrobes and bed linen.
    • Shared kitchen providing all kitchen equipment.
    • Typical refrigerator and freezer to be used for any specific individual foods.
    • Dining facilities (outside and inside).
    • Fireplace (outside and inside).
    • Large vegetable garden and greenhouse for everyday use.
    • Outdoor shower.
    • Laundry machine, including soap.
    • Basic gym facilities.
    • Notebooks and other materials used for workshops.
    • Wifi
    • Beamer used for educational purposes.
  • Is it possible to have a private room?

    Yes! You will have in-suite room with another private room.

  • Can I prepare my own meals?

    All meals are provided and can be cooked by the team and you. We offer healthy, seasonal and diverse meals. In general, you are expected to join in the shared meals. We are able to take dietary requests into consideration. Food is a Key element for your transformation.

  • What is the accommodation like on adventures?

    During our adventures(when nights out), basic accommodation will be provided, varying from camping in tents to staying in basic cabins to Hotel—all equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, camping matrasses, backpacks, torches and food. You will be expected to carry your individual and shared materials during the trip. Basic sanitary facilities will be available. Please contact us if you have any specific questions or requests regarding the outdoor accommodation.


  • What will a day at the Farm look like?

    Waking up at 7, you get ready to start your day at 8 o’clock for a guided meditation session. You will lay the foundation for a heart-centered day. Together with the other residents you will make/have breakfast. Around 10 o’lock we will start with a workshop, which will include topics like “your extra-ordinary life”, “your blueprint” and “the eight levels of consciousness”. You will be actively engaged in the workshop, setting up your own goals and your learning points. After the workshop you will have a nourishing lunch provided for you by our team. In the afternoon, there will be a variety of activities available: you might take care of our garden and plant seeds, have another (individual) session wth our therapist, and go for a walk or run in the surroundings. In the evening we cook mindfully and enjoy a nutritious meal together. After dinner, we do a check in with the group and end our day with an evening meditation. There will be space for journalling or connection with the group: talk, meditate, sing, fire! Feeling fulfilled and tired, you will get ready for bed to switch of your light around 23 o’clock.

  • What type of workshops do you offer?

    We offer a wide range of workshops, both in the farm as well as during our adventures. All workshops are hands-on, practical, and related to topics that are relevant for you. As we offer many different workshops, please find out more here for further information.

  • What outdoor adventures will be part of the program?

    Our adventures include trekking, spending a day with a shepherd, sailing, ziplining, stand-up paddle boarding, canyoning, camping, surfing, and a balloon flight. Duration varies from a day- to several days. All transportation is provided. Depending on your desire and needs t a specific program will be created for your adventures.

  • Do I get to choose the type of outdoor activities?

    You will be able to pick a specific adventure, However, if there are any specific needs or contra-indications regarding specific adventures, we will take these into account.

  • Do I need to bring any specific equipment regarding the outdoor program?

    You don’t need to bring any specific equipment, however, you do need to bring suitable clothes and footwear. Please read the section on what to bring to Time To Be You.

  • Do I have to attend both components of the program (farmstay and outdoor adventures)?

    As the program is based upon the activities related at the Ecologic farm and the adventures, we highly recommend taking part in both parts of the program. However, if for any reason you are not able to go on adventures, please contact us and we will discuss what options would be available.

  • Is there time-off from the program?

    Although we have quite a complete program, we ensure you have plenty of time during your stay at the farm or the adventures. There will be enough time to explore the beauties that Portugal has to offer you. We will personalise your desires and needs and let you experience what Portugal has to offer: Culture, History, Arts, Food and friendly people.

  • Are cultural excursions included in the program?

    Cultural activites are included in the program, our team is happy to suggest you recommendations regarding cultural activities that we can schedule with you.

  • Can I take a break of a few days to weeks within the minimum duration of the program?

    Yes, you can. We highly recommend you stay for a minimum of 3 weeks before taking a break. A break between the program will help you integrate, practise and reflect upon what you have learnt and experienced at Time to Be you®. All decisions with be agreed upon by the team and you, always focus what

Food and Meals

  • What meals are included?

    All meals are inlcuded. We cook with local, fresh, whole-food, almost fully organic products. Special dietry requests related to food intolerances or allergies will be taken into account.

  • Is there a set menu?

    There is no set menu: our cooking is based on what the seasons offer us—healthy organic food. We have evidence that food is one of the fundamental aspects of your transformation.

  • Can you take any allergies or special dietry requests?

    If you have any special dietary requests please contact us. We cook according to any food allergies or intolerances. Also, you will have a nutritional assessment and a plan will be provided for your specific situation and needs.

Payment and Payment Conditions

  • What are the payment conditions?

    The payment needs to be done before your arrival or at your arrival, depending on the time we agreed for your stay. But we can always discuss that before your arrival.

  • What happens if I need to change my arrival date at Time to be You?

    If you have a medical urgency, yes, you can reschedule your admission, otherwise, we need to be informed 14 days before.

  • What is the refund policy?

    Please visit the payment and conditions page for further information.

Visas & Insurance

  • What visa do I need to travel to Portugal?

    Please inquire at your own ambassy or at the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Portugal about the visa policies.

  • Do I need specific insurance regarding outdoor activities?

    You do not need any specific insurance regarding outdoor activities. Our Outdoors activities have insurance by the law of Portugal.

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