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One Person At A Time

Therapeutic Recovery Workshops

Weekly we will deliver different workshops, depending on the needs of every person at his stage of change.

  • Positive Psychology Workshops

    Positive Psychology Workshop
    Welcome to our Positive Psychology Workshops, where each week, our dedicated team crafts sessions with precision to meet the diverse needs of individuals at various stages of personal growth and transformation. Our goal is to provide a customised and enriching experience, fostering positive change and well-being in every participant's journey toward personal growth and self-discovery.
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  • Heart-Brain Science Workshops

    HeartMath Science
    Welcome to our Heart-Brain Science Workshops, a transformative journey where the potent tools of HeartMath® merge seamlessly with the latest insights gained from over 25 years of rigorous scientific research. Immerse yourself in these workshops, designed to be your exclusive gateway to seizing control of your life and unlocking the very best version of yourself.
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  • Mindfulness Workshops

    Mindfulness Workshop
    Welcome to our Mindfulness Workshops, where the transformative power of mindfulness unfolds through a variety of engaging sessions. Research consistently reveals that cultivating mindfulness leads to increased happiness, reduced anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Dive into our workshops to explore the multidimensional benefits of mindfulness.
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  • Personal Life Coaching Workshops

    Life Coaching
    Welcome to Transformative Personal Life Coaching, an inviting sanctuary where the alchemy of personal transformation blends seamlessly with the artistry of expert guidance. Here, embark on a profound and enriching journey toward a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life; - guided by our professionals dedicated to unlocking your true potential and facilitating lasting positive change.
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Family-Focused Mental Health Assessments

Mental Health Services

We Offer Comprehensive Mental Health Services Tailored to Families that are Looking for Help!