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One Person At A Time

Time To Be You Rehab Centre

What you feel, you will attract. What you think, you become. What you imagine, you create.

~ Buddha ~

Transformative Wellness Therapy Workshops and Recovery Program

We understand that each individual has unique needs, and we strive to tailor our program to meet those needs.

At Time To Be You®, we prioritise heart-centred connections, empathy, and compassion.
One-to-one sessions daily with our experienced team members.

Our clients are Males +18 that can be struggling with different situations like:

Wellness Program for Personal Growth

Our Unique Wellness Program is designed to Guide you toward Personal Growth and Well-being

Transformational Wellness Program

Prioritise your Mental and Emotional Wellness with our Tailored Wellness Program

Transformative Wellbeing Program Portugal

Break free from the chains of addiction and reclaim your life with Time To Be You’s Wellness Program in Europe

Our Unique Wellness Program in Portugal

The "Time to be you" well-being program serves as a navigational tool to guide individuals through the tumultuous waters of life. Our approach, which combines Adventure Therapy, Life Coaching, Positive Psychology, and Mindfulness, is a unique and powerful means of support that will assist individuals in overcoming challenges and achieving their aspirations.

We firmly believe that individuals are the architects of their own lives, and our program is dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their lives.

During their residential stay, individuals will undergo a transformative experience that will enable them to overcome obstacles such as emotional regulation, behavioural management, finding purpose and meaning in life, self-belief, motivation, empowerment, and interpersonal relationships.

Our program is designed to work collaboratively with individuals to identify their goals and motivations, recognise and manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, construct a new identity and narrative that aligns with their values, develop a strategic plan to achieve their objectives, cultivate confidence and energy to take action and make decisions, and enhance their intimate relationships.

Individualised Transformative Recovery Program

Throughout your residential stay, the focus will be on understanding and improving three vital aspects of your well-being.

Composed of your:

Stage One

Inner World

Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, Memories, Values and Desires

Stage Two


Body Awareness, Healthy Nutrition and Exercise

Stage Three

Outer World

Your Environment, Personal and Social Experiences

Similar to a compass that guides a sailor to a safe harbour, our program will guide individuals towards a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Our program is an Individualised Retreat ( ONE PERSON AT THE TIME) designed explicitly for men aged 18 and above looking to improve themselves and overcome various challenges such as anxiety, addictions, burnout, Intimate relationships, midlife depression, transition to adulthood, anti-social behaviours, controlling emotions, and lack of energy or lack purpose in life.

Our program is dedicated to helping you reconnect with yourself and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming your authentic self. With carefully designed immersive experiences and tools, we unlock your true potential to transform your life.

Our unique program offers a combination of Adventure therapy and serene stays at our ecological farm in Portugal. You’ll experience thrilling outdoor exploration and the tranquillity of nature. Engage in daily one-to-one sessions and carefully chosen outdoor adventures that encourage personal growth, boost confidence, and inspire a sense of adventure.

Your well-being is our priority. Enjoy ensuite accommodation on our peaceful Portuguese farm, providing the perfect backdrop for reflection, self-care, and rejuvenation. We believe in nourishing your body, so you’ll be treated to three healthy, delicious daily meals prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

Physical activities and Adventure experiences promote fitness and meaningful connections with yourself and nature. At Time To Be You, we prioritise authentic relationships, empathy, and compassion, creating a safe and nurturing space for exploring your true self and embracing your full potential.

Prepare for an immersive, life-changing experience with Time To Be You®. Embark on self-discovery, personal growth, and transformation with our experienced team and various workshops to support your empowerment. Diving deeply into your inner world, gain insights, and develop personal development and self-discovery strategies.

Our tailored transformation program is designed for men seeking to overcome challenges and bring strength and energy to transform their lives.

Venture into the unknown, unlock profound personal transformation and witness the remarkable breakthroughs, growth, and self-empowerment with our transformational program!

This will be your adventure.
Welcome to Time To Be You - "the real you."

The wellbeing program at the Ecological Farm in Europe focuses on reflection, reconnection, peace and self-nourishment.

You will start your day with a guided meditation session, laying the foundation for a heart-centred day.

After breakfast, you will gain knowledge and insights during one of our many workshops. You will be challenged to put your understanding directly into action.

In the afternoon, a variety of activities will be available: caring for our garden and planting seeds, exercising outdoors, having another one-to-one session, spending time by yourself, connecting with our neighbours, and much more!

In the evening, we cook mindfully and enjoy a nutritious meal together. There will be space for connection and authentic creation: talk, meditate, sing, and fire!

Throughout your entire stay, we cook and eat local, healthy foods. Let our staff inspire and teach you about the power of simplicity in cooking organically. You will be surprised by the deliciousness of simple recipes.

After your assessment, we are going to focus on the inner world.

Our Individualised daily counselling, psychotherapy, or Life coaching sessions are fundamental; we will work with clients to raise awareness and develop skills to manage their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Clients also begin to build a more clear vision for their future.

We also integrate you daily to centred around the body as the primary vehicle to connect the inner world to the e outer world.

Clients learn the fundamental importance of living from the heart, healthy nutrition and exercise and developing body awareness.

Our Vegetable Garden

Serene garden, promoting mindful eating

Growing and taking care of what we eat.
You Are What You Eat

Cooking Healthy Food

Mindful Meal Prep

Learning about healthy foods, cooking nutritious meals, eating mindfully.
Health Requires Healthy Food

"Taking care of our bodies is crucial for successful change and transformation".

Move Your Body

Body-Mind Connection

Exploring the outdoor trails, walking mindfully, excercising playfully.
Moving Your Body Moves Your Perspective

Connect with Local Community

Holistic Wellness Experience

Connect with our authentic Portuguese culture.
Community Is The Key To Life

Then, we move clients to develop an awareness of their environment and personal, professional, and social experiences. By this time, clients have a solid understanding of what they want, why they want it, and what they need to do to make their future vision a reality.

Our program is designed to create a safe and nurturing space where you can explore your true self, let go of limitations, and embrace your full potential.

Prepare yourself for an immersive, life-changing experience as you embark on a transformative journey with Time To Be You.

Our program offers the opportunity to reconnect with yourself, gain valuable insights, and develop the tools needed to live an authentic and fulfilling life.

Be Inspired by Nature

Eco-Friendly Inspiration

Breathe fresh air, hear the birds, feel the ground!
Nature Has Music For Those Who Listen

Light Your Fire!

Mindfulness-Based Therapy Session

Feel the power of lighting your inner and outer fire.
Find Your Inner Spark And Light Your Fire

We tailor each addiction treatment program to suit your own needs. We offer an incredible range of Mental Health Services and opportunities for you to find the path to healthing that works best for you.

Begin Your Recovery Today

Foster Transformation with Dedicated Support for your Mental Well-Being.

Recovery Transformation Program

Leave the roads; take the trails

Therapeutic Recovery WorkShops

At Time To Be You®, we prioritise heart-centred connections, empathy, and compassion.
One-to-one sessions daily with our experienced team members.

Our clients are Males +18 that can be struggling with different situations like:

  • Positive Psychology Workshops

    Positive Psychology Workshop

    Welcome to our Positive Psychology Workshops, where each week, our dedicated team crafts sessions with precision to meet the diverse needs of individuals at various stages of personal growth and transformation. Our goal is to provide a customised and enriching experience, fostering positive change and well-being in every participant’s journey toward personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Heart-Brain Science Workshops

    HeartMath Science

    Welcome to our Heart-Brain Science Workshops, a transformative journey where the potent tools of HeartMath® merge seamlessly with the latest insights gained from over 25 years of rigorous scientific research. Immerse yourself in these workshops, designed to be your exclusive gateway to seizing control of your life and unlocking the very best version of yourself.

  • Mindfulness Workshops

    Mindfulness Workshop

    Welcome to our Mindfulness Workshops, where the transformative power of mindfulness unfolds through a variety of engaging sessions. Research consistently reveals that cultivating mindfulness leads to increased happiness, reduced anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Dive into our workshops to explore the multidimensional benefits of mindfulness.

  • Personal Life Coaching Workshops

    Life Coaching

    Welcome to Transformative Personal Life Coaching, an inviting sanctuary where the alchemy of personal transformation blends seamlessly with the artistry of expert guidance. Here, embark on a profound and enriching journey toward a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life; – guided by our professionals dedicated to unlocking your true potential and facilitating lasting positive change.

Join us at Time To Be You® and Start your Transformative Journey Today!

We are happy to discuss your individual circumstance and concerns.

Our Comprehensive Aftercare Program

Our diverse, internationally recognised, multidisciplinary staff of addiction specialists are leaders in their individual fields, ensuring unparalleled support from highly-skilled professionals.

Because we understand and believe that the journey doesn’t end with completing your program at the retreat. That’s why we offer a comprehensive aftercare program.

Our aftercare services are designed to provide ongoing support, guidance, and resources to ensure that the positive changes developed and practised during the retreat continue to flourish long after participants return home.

We offer individualised follow-up sessions with experienced coaches or facilitators who were part of your retreat experience.

These sessions provide a dedicated space to discuss your progress, address any challenges, and receive personalised guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

We encourage you to talk with Jorge Venceslau, Founder & Director, that has worked in this field for more than 25 years. Talk with Jorge

Family-Focused Mental Health Assessments

Mental Health Services

We Offer Comprehensive Mental Health Services Tailored to Families that are Looking for Help!