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One Person At A Time

Therapeutic Online Mental Health and Addiction Services

From grappling with anxiety and addiction to navigating burnout, relationship issues, depression, behavioural problems, emotional regulation, and a sense of purposelessness, online video conference sessions emerge as a versatile platform offering valuable assistance. Address mental health concerns through the convenience of online platforms. Whether seeking solace in times of distress or proactively striving for personal growth, these remote virtual services stand as pillars of support in the digital age.

Navigating the digital landscape of support services opens up a world of possibilities for individuals confronting various challenges. From the complexities of anxiety and addiction to the intricacies of burnout, relationship dynamics, depression, behavioral struggles, emotional regulation, and the quest for purpose, online video conference sessions emerge as a versatile lifeline. As we embark on this exploration of virtual wellness, delve into the diverse array of remote virtual services available to address mental health concerns. Uncover a realm where the boundaries of geography dissolve, and individuals find meaningful support and guidance in the realm of online Mental Health Services.

Welcome to our Therapeutic Online Sessions

Free Online Health Assessment with Jorge Venceslau

Free Online Family-Focused Health Assessment

Secure online video conference health assessment sessions can provide several benefits and support for families and individuals struggling with health issues

Get Started Today
Book a Free Online Assessment

Structured Online Family Intervention with Jorge Venceslau

Structured Online Family Intervention Session

Structured addiction/mental health family interventions can be adapted for online settings to help address the challenges individuals and their families face.

Love | Honesty | Compassion
Book a Free Family Intervention Session

Online Addictions Counselling Sessions with Jorge Venceslau

Online Addiction Counselling

Online addiction counselling sessions can provide several benefits and support for individuals struggling with addiction. But probably the most important is to take action.

You Can Do It
Book a Free Addictions Councelling Session

Online HeartMath® Sessions with Jorge Venceslau

HeartMath Sessions Online

HeartMath® is a biofeedback-based approach to stress management and emotional regulation that focuses on heart rate variability (HRV) and coherence.

Live From Your heart
Book a Free Online HeartMath® Session

Structured Online Family Intervention with Jorge Venceslau

Structured Online Family Intervention Session

Structured addiction/mental health family interventions can be adapted for online settings to help address the challenges individuals and their families face.

Love | Honesty | Compassion
Find out more here
30 mins Free
Book an Online Session

Online HeartMath® Sessions with Jorge Venceslau

HeartMath Sessions Online

HeartMath® is a biofeedback-based approach to stress management and emotional regulation that focuses on heart rate variability (HRV) and coherence.

Live From Your heart
Find out more here
30 mins Free
Book an Online Session

Online Addictions Counselling Sessions with Jorge Venceslau

Online Addiction Counselling

Online addiction counselling sessions can provide several benefits and support for individuals struggling with addiction. But probably the most important is to take action.

You Can Do It
Find out more here
30 mins Free
Book an Online Session
Contact us today to determine the level of care that’s best suited for you.

Free Health Assessment

Book a FREE 30 mins. Online Assessment
with Jorge Venceslau.

Online video conference sessions can provide several benefits and support for individuals struggling with different subjects such as anxiety, addictions, burnout, relationship issues, depression, behavioural problems, controlling emotions, and lack of energy or purpose in life.

Book a FREE SessionContact Us

Welcome to our Therapeutic Online Sessions

Family-Focused Mental Health Assessments

Mental Health Services

We Offer Comprehensive Mental Health Services Tailored to Families that are Looking for Help!
Free Online Addictions Assessments

Free Assessment with Jorge Venceslau

Request a FREE - 30 mins. Session